Q: How do I know my order has been placed?
A: Once your order has been placed you will receive an order confirmation by email.
Q: How can I check the status of my order and track my package?
A: Follow the link on your order confirmation page from your email confirmation page, another updated tracking number email will be sent to you once shipment leaves our facitiy with a link for tracking information provided in the email as well. Or Simply log in to your account to see most updated order status, Tracking number and shipping carrier are provided inside my account order page, If you still need help with your order status, simply contact our customer service at +13239618202 or email us at service@mozpus.com. We also have live chat customer service representative during business hour from 9am-5pm PST time Monday-Friday.
Q: When will my backorder arrive?
A: Backordered items are those which our manufacture suppliers are temporary out of stock, usually back order will be ship in 1-2 weeks; some item may take up to 4-6 weeks, if you need an Estimate Arrival Date, Please Contact our Customer service department. Most out of stock item will have ETA date on the product page, as soon as we receive the item back from the suppliers, we will be ship the item to you, we will not charged the customer for the item until it actually gets ship from our warehouse, All Back Order Will be Keep on Our Back Order List for 16 Weeks Only. All back order items will be shipped out with standard shipping method, even if the original order items was shipped by Express/Priority shipping method.  
Q: How do I create an account?
A: Use the “Register” link at the top middle of our website.
Then simply follow the instruction to complete setting up your account. Your information is NEVER sold to any other company and is kept completely private.
Q: What is your return policy?
A: Please visit this Return Policy page.
Q: How Do I cancel an item or an order?
A: We understand that sometimes you need to cancel an order. We would be happy to assist you with that. To cancel an order please just contact us via email or the our customer service help line at 800-698-8350. Please note that if an order has finialized for shipment/has left our shipping facilty cancellations can not be guaranteed. 
Q: What Items are excluded from Discount Code? 
A: All Shoes are excluded from any promotion discount, however your order will still be qualified for the Free Gifts offer that is included in the code as long as you apply the promotion code in your order.Â